2004 the NJ Legislature signed the Security
Officer Registration Act (SORA) into
law (PL 2004, c134). It updated the 1934
private investigator certification statute
to accommodate today’s security
Gateway has
taken a leadership a role in New Jersey
The Bush Administration’s 2003
National Strategy for the Physical
Protection of Critical Infrastructures
and Key Assets indicated that security
guards are “an important source
of protection for critical facilities.”
The November 12, 2004 CRS Report for
Congress – Guarding America:
Security Guards and U.S. Critical Infrastructure
Protection – states that
87% of the nation’s security guards
are in the private sector making federal
funding a challenge. It also lists better
pay and training as critical for the
private guard force, however there are
no federal guidelines for guard training.
The state governments have stepped in,
but nationwide training requirements
are uneven.
Our commitment to
high standards led Gateway to work closely
with the State of New Jersey to revise
the New
Jersey Security Officer Registration
Act (SORA) making certification
for NJ security officers among the most
rigorous and comprehensive in the country.
We are proud to be the first security
company certified in New Jersey holding
license number 1001.
The new legislation
was commended by the New Jersey
Domestic Security Preparedness Task
Force in its 2004/2005 Progress Report
as legislation that augments its efforts.
Indeed, the training provides for 24
hours of training that covers terrorism,
gangs, suicide bombers, emergency response
and incident command, basic first aid
and more.
There are more
than 2,200 private security companies
in NJ providing security guards and
many private corporations who hire their
own security personnel directly. All
security officers must be trained and
be certified by July 1, 2007 or their
employers will face stiff criminal penalties.
SORA accomplishes
several very important things and will
have a direct impact on your business:
Traditionally the
security guard industry has been forced
into fierce bidding wars for clients;
in turn lowering security guard wages
and forcing security guard companies
to keep training to a minimum. The industry
also suffers from high turnover rates
as a direct result of low wages and
lack of career paths.
Gateway Security
is a leader in quality training and
low turnover:
Gateway Security Inc. differentiates
itself through training excellence.
Gateway views SORA regulations as a
mandatory minimum, going well beyond
their requirements. By providing training,
career paths, job flexibility and benefits
to workers, Gateway Security has minimized
turnover and maintained strong client